ICT reports 16 consecutive months of increased passenger traffic

November 25, 2019

ICT reports 16 consecutive months of increased passenger traffic

October total passengers were up .91%, enough to make 16 consecutive months of increased traffic at ICT. October’s total passengers were 152,555 which is a new high for the month of October. October enplanements increased 1.93% while seats were up only .6%; flights are full.

Total air cargo was down 2.43% for the month but is up 5.79% year-to-date. For October, food and gift receipts were up 10.45%, rental cars up 8.31%, and parking revenue up 4.64%.

Highlights for the month:

  • American had the largest increase during October with enplanements increasing 14% over Oct. 2018. 
  • American also had the biggest increase in capacity in October, with a 15.2% increase in seats and 9.1% increase in flights compared to October 2018.
  • Overall, October available flights were down 1.4% but available seats were up .6%.
  • Average load factor in October was 86%
  • For the month, enplanements were up 1.93%; deplanements were down .10%, and total passengers were up .91%.
  • October total passengers – 152,555 – set an all-time high for the month.  The previous record occurred in 2018 with 151,180 total passengers.
  • Year to date:  enplanements are up 5.92%, deplanements are up 5.44%; total passengers are up 5.68%

Airport statistical reports can be found in Airport Business.

October 2019 Passenger Traffic

AIRLINEOCT. 2019OCT. 2018# Difference% Difference

Media Contacts   (316) 946-4700

Valerie Wise, Air Service & Marketing Manager

Jesse R. Romo, Director of Airports


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